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10th edition


The panel of judges 2023   

The first edition of the Prize dates back 2014 and, by now, it is widely known all over the world. Young composers, up to 40 years old, can participate. In addition to the prize, the winner will be asked for the composition of a piece expressly written for the winner of the “Novecento” (20th Century) Prize - either soloist or group -, awarded to the best execution of a piece composed after 1950, in the same year edition of the International Chamber Music Competition Luigi Nono. The commissioned piece will be premiered by the winner/s of  “Novecento” Prize in a concert within the following Concert season organized by Amici per la Musica Association.


Giorgio Colombo Taccani (ITA)

Liliya Ugay (UZB/USA)        

Gianluca Castelli (ITA/GER)




Oswald Huỳnh 

"The jury was particularly impressed with the winner's piece Yellow Pearl, in which lyricism comes from a combination of timbre and harmony, oftentimes escaping standards of orchestration, while delivering the effective perceptual narrative that adds another layer of significance to this work. In their second piece, the jury appreciated the unique combination of multiphonics and the integrity of extended techniques into chosen timbral spectrums of bass clarinet, convincingly representing the idea of each movement."


With honourable mentions to...


Sofia Ouyang


"In their string quartet Insects, the composer approached a seemingly common idea with astonishing particularity clearly derived from deeply personal experience. To achieve such uniqueness of musical language the composer employed rather familiar performance techniques combined with clear use of textures, avoiding excessive complexity and over-challenging the performers, which makes this work even more admirable. The jury was intrigued by the second piece and wished to have an opportunity to hear it in sound representation."

Demian Rudel Rey


"The jury acknowledged the highest level of ambition and immeasurable dedication the composer input into submitted works. ÉPITAPHES set particularly challenging tasks and demonstrated uttermost technical virtuosity of orchestration and compositional structure; whereas Cuélebredemonstrated composer's equally excellent level of craft writing for a smaller chamber ensemble."



Composers in figures

Click on the images to enlarge the tabs

Composers 2022 by Country of Birth

Tenyears of competitors 



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Associazione Amici per la Musica
Via Barbi Cinti, 4 - 10078 Venaria Reale
Tel. 339.8171494   340.3933475
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